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Sue garden

Sue garden Game


This is an awesome gardening game. You get to help Sue grow flowers in her garden.


Firstly, dig a hole on the ground with a shovel. Then you need to put seeds into the hole. Click on one of the seeds you like on the bottom of the screen and then on the hole to put seeds there. To make flowers grow you need to use the watering can or magic potion. The magic potion makes the flowers grow faster but it costs money so use it with care. When flowers start to grow, some weeds will begin to sprout. Use the scissors to trim them. Be careful not to over trim the weeds or you'll end up trimming the flowers themselves. If a flower grows too big it may attract bugs, you must BE QUICK to use the bug spay on them. Your flowers might turn brown after an attack. Just use the magic potion on them and they'll recover.